2016 Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways
February 2016
  • Mayor Barry directed Metro Public Works to update the Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways. The current plan was put in place in 2003 and was updated in 2008.
  • The purpose of the plan is to outline goals, priorities and policies regarding location of the countywide sidewalk and bikeways network and provide a method for prioritizing improvements to ensure a healthy, active, safe and vibrant community.
  • Nashville currently has more than 1,070 miles of sidewalks and 147 miles of bikeways, including shared routes and dedicated lanes.

  • Heavy Public Engagement:
    • Community input will guide the creation of the 2016 Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways. Interviews, meetings, surveys and other engagement opportunities will take place throughout the update process so that the community and stakeholders at large who represent all who live, work, invest or govern in Davidson County are involved.
    • A robust and multi-faceted public participation process, including public meetings throughout the county, press releases and social media and a user friendly webpage dedicated to the plan update.
  • Evaluation of Peer Cities, Nashville, and other relevant Sidewalks and Bikeways Programs and related conditions
    • Evaluation of both peer cities similar in size, population, and/or terrain, as well as aspirational peers that have significantly implemented high quality sidewalk and bikeway networks.
    • Review of the outcomes of implementation of the existing Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways in Nashville and all relevant or related existing Metro, MPO, Community, and State plans and policies.
  • Data collection
    • Review of existing conditions, including where new sidewalks and bikeways need to be constructed because none currently exist as well as needs related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety and on-going maintenance.
    • The GIS inventory for Davidson County’s Sidewalk and Bikeways Program will be updated. This inventory will include ADA compliance, facilities, and other data.
    • Review of the evaluation method used for prioritizing sidewalk projects (pedestrian generator index, or PGI). The PGI involves analysis of a location’s proximity to schools, parks, transit, and other factors, and evaluation of these factors with an emphasis on safety will take place
  • Final Report
    • The 2016 Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways will include a comprehensive approach to planning for the maintenance and improvement of the sidewalk and bikeways asset classes, including, but not limited to:
      • Expanding the sidewalk and bikeway networks
      • Ongoing maintenance of the sidewalk and bikeway networks,
      • Adjustment of codes or regulations,
      • Ensuring sidewalks and bikeways are as accessible as possible for all users,
      • Mechanism for ongoing evaluation and reporting of implementation progress;
      • Recommendation of educational, enforcement, or encouragement efforts to increase active transportation utilization and eliminate preventable active transportation related injuries and deaths,
      • Development of a Public-Private coordination plan among Metro departments, developers, citizens, and nonprofits to maximize efficiency of project planning and delivery
  • The 2016 Strategic Plan for Sidewalks and Bikeways is expected to be completed in late 2016.

Please go through the existing Strategic Plan for Sidewalks & Bikeways, that will be updated throughout this process, to learn more.
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